
value property

这是一篇来自网络的文章,MHL 对购房者在签合同前做决策或是对房产估价的了解都有很大的帮助。在这里分享给大家。

WBP Property 集团首席执行官 Greville Pabst 说:“房价是买家支付的价格,而价值则是买家获得的东西。”以买家的角度来讲,他们当然希望能买到一处价格在其真实价值之下的房产,而卖家则希望房子能卖得更贵。


WBP Property 集团首席执行官 Greville Pabst 说:“获得您所在城区房产价值的最好办法就是连续三个月参加拍卖会和公开看房活动,此外还要对比每一栋出售房产的销售结果。”

如果您实在没时间花费几个月的时间观察房市,那么还有一个好办法。RP Data 研究分析师 Cameron Kusher 建议道:“另外一个方法就是利用自动估价模型(automated valuation model/ AVM),或者花钱聘请一位持证评估师进行评估。”“这两种方法都要仔细对比最近的可比销售,才能评估房产若在今日转手会处于哪个价位区间。”


WBP Property 集团首席执行官 Greville Pabst :“通常来说,房产价值与一处个体物业具体情况的关系更紧密,与房产均价关系不大。”“这是因为均价一般需要对同类型房产售价进行广泛对比,而房产价值则是一处物业可能达到的售价。均价往往是同类房产最近一段时期(通常而言是 12 个月)售价的缩影。”

澳洲房产协会(Real Estate Institute of Australia)主席 Pamela Bennett 还指出,借贷方对于房产的评估或估价一般不同于估价师或房产中介的评估结果。“银行出于贷款安全考量所做的评估一般会更保守。


澳洲房产协会(Real Estate Institute of Australia)主席 Pamela Bennett 建议:“首先要确保您进行的是同类对比。规模、条件、地段、街道甚至是位于街道的哪一边都会影响房产价值。此外还要看看您所使用的销售信息是不是反映最新的市场动态。若您感兴趣的地区近期没有出现大量房产转手交易,你可以直接使用旧信息,不过要随市场动向做出一定的调整。”

WBP Property 集团首席执行官 Greville Pabst 称,如果在上一个月中,您感兴趣的地段出售了 30 栋或者更少的房产,均价很可能将失准。“房产不是根据月度或季度表现来看的,它作为一种长期资产,应该根据年度表现来进行复审。”



房贷经纪公司 1300HomeLoan 董事 John Kolenda 提醒买家称,在购买楼花时需格外谨慎,因为楼花没有可比价格对比,也无法做出有助于您购房决定的评估。他指出,购买现房和楼花的最大区别在于,买家是在投资未来 12 个月甚至是 15 个月后的东西。


如果您需要在购买房产之前了解房子的估价情况,可以与 MHL 的房贷经理电话沟通,我们可以提供免费的银行 AVM 系统估值,也可以帮住您在银行做好 upfront full valuation(由 MHL 支付费用),这样可以在您决定支付 10% 前帮助您更好的确认估价信息。

请点击了解详情:银行房屋估价(Property Valuation)


> > How to assess your area

“The best way to check values in your area is to attend auctions and open for inspections for a three-month period,” Pabst says.

“Also check the sale results against each property.”

If you don’t have time to watch the market for several months, there are alternatives.

“The best way to check the values in your area is to either use an automated valuation model (AVM) or to purchase a valuation which is undertaken by a licensed valuer,” RP Data research analyst Cameron Kusher says.

“Both methods look at recent comparable sales and determine a likely current value of the property if it was to sell today.”

> > Value versus price

“A value is typically more relevant to an individual property than a median sale price,” Kusher says.

“This is because a valuation is looking at a wide range of sales evidence in order to determine the value of a home.

“Value is an individual assessment of the price at which a home is likely to sell. The median price is a snapshot of just those properties that have sold over a recent period, typically 12 months.”

Real Estate Institute of Australia president Pamela Bennett also says a lender’s valuation or appraisal will often be different to a valuer’s or real estate agent’s appraisal.

“An appraisal done by banks for loan security will be more conservative,” she says.

> > How to assess value

Make sure you are comparing like with like,” Bennett says. “Size, condition, location, street, even which side of the street, can all affect value.

“Also check the currency of any sales information you are using. Unless there has been high and recent turnover in the area of interest, you will be dealing with dated information, which may need to be adjusted for market movements.”

Pabst says if there have been 30 or less houses sold in the area you are looking at during the past month, it can skew median prices.

“Real estate is not a month-to-month or quarter-to-quarter proposition. It is a long-term asset that must be reviewed annually,” he says.

Things to consider when trying to put a value on property include land size, off-street parking, building size, car spaces, number of bedrooms and bathrooms, condition and location, including being on or near a main road, flight path or overhead transmission lines.

> > Off the plan

Proceed with caution on off-the-plan purchases, says mortgage broker 1300HomeLoan managing director John Kolenda. Often there are no comparable prices or valuations to help you.

The main difference between buying an existing property and buying or building off the plan is that you are committing to something that could be 12 or 15 months away, he says.

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